Write for Bandwagon
Open Call for Submissions
First published in 1942, Bandwagon, The Journal of the Circus Historical Society, Inc. is committed to sharing the history, exploring the variety, and celebrating the cultural relevance of the Circus. Bandwagon is published quarterly with distribution to the members of the Circus Historical Society. We invite submissions of original research papers relevant to the history of circus and the circus arts. Articles may include such topics as the business and logistics of circuses, the evolution of specific acts, the careers of performers or other circus people, the interaction of circus and other cultural institutions, surveys of specific collections, photo essays, interviews of circus persons and a broad range of other subjects.
Guidelines for Submissions
Manuscripts of any length should be submitted as digital files in Microsoft Word. A minimum of formatting (i.e. tabs, highlights, use of bold, italics, or underlining for anything other than the usual style conventions) and the use of standard fonts (Times New Roman, Calibri, etc.) is required. Authors should verify facts, names of people, places, and dates, and double-check all direct quotations and entries in endnotes and works cited lists.
Consideration may be given to transcribing manuscripts that exist in handwritten form, such as a diary or correspondence, or in a verbal format, such as the recording of an interview.
Articles submitted to Bandwagon should follow the style guidelines as described in the Chicago Manual of Style and use endnotes for citations.
Submission Deadlines
Manuscripts are accepted on a rolling basis; however, Bandwagon will adhere to the following submission deadlines for each issue.
- Issue 1: January 1
- Issue 2: April 1
- Issue 3: July 1
- Issue 4: October 1
Authors are encouraged to submit images for publishing with their work. When possible, editorial staff may assist authors in finding and procuring rights to appropriate images. Each image should have a caption, generally not more than two sentences long, which includes the source of the image and any other pertinent information. Images will be numbered, i.e., Photo 1, with the identification at the beginning of the caption and placed at the appropriate location within the text.
Illustrations should be provided in a high-resolution format suitable for publication, generally 300 dpi or higher. Authors are responsible for securing any permissions necessary to reproduce images. Permissions must allow for use on the CHS website.
Manuscript Review
The editor shall review submitted manuscripts, and the editor reserves the right to decline any submission that does not meet Bandwagon’s editorial standards or requirements. If there are concerns about quality or style, the piece may be returned to the author for modification. Additionally, the editor may seek an anonymous peer review of any submitted article by one or more acknowledged authorities in the field, to garner opinion as to the quality and accuracy of the piece.
All article copyrights remain the possession of the author, with the proviso that the CHS shall have permission to print the article in Bandwagon, place it on our website in a digital archive, on the Internet Archive, and to otherwise make it available for educational purposes.
Advertising in Bandwagon
Advertising rates are: $100-quarter page, $175-half page, $300-full page, and $350-inside back cover.
Submission Contact Information
To submit an article/ad or pitch an article idea for consideration, please contact Bandwagon Editor, Rainie Themer Bosquet at editor@circushistory.org