Dancing Girls Tableau

Sells-Floto Dancing Girls Tableau

The Sells-Floto Dancing Girls tableau was built new in the Peru winter quarters of the American Circus Corporation in the winter of 1922/1923. There have been some references to the wagon being called the Two Statue tableau. The first year on the road it was number 83 as seen in the photo below. The wagon was quite easily recognized by the twin dancing girl carvings on each side with a large framed picture or mural in the center of the wagon. The photo below also shows us the wagon had a dark side ( probably a red ) with a white front end on the wagon. The bottom frame of the wagon with the scalloped mudboard was white also. It can also be seen that the scalloped mudboard in 1923 is gone by 1925 and the bottom frame is the same color as the side of the wagon.

Dancing Girls Tableau

( 1923 – Joseph Bradbury Album # 25 – photo # 76A )

We are certain that this wagon was on the Sells-Floto Circus in 1923, 1924 and 1925. The seasons of 1926 to 1928, we are presuming it was still there although we haven’t found any documentation or photographic evidence.

(1925 – Conover Set # 375 – photo # 209 )

In 1929, the Sells-Floto Circus was enlarged by 10 cars. This wagon was definitely on the 1929 show. In 1930, the wagon was known to have been carrying the Ringstock trappings and supplies. The wagon was painted red with silver carvings. The center mural had been replaced with the words “Sells-Floto Circus.” In a conversation between Joseph Bradbury and William Woodcock, Sr, the wagon was probably not used in 1931 and definitely was not used from 1932 to 1941. It perished in the Nov. 27, 1941 wagon burnings at the Peru winter quarters.

( 1940 – Heidl collection -image # scan0008 – Steve Flint collection )