Past Circus History Live! Videos

Videos from our Circus History Live! programs are posted here about a week after they are aired live.  Scroll down for a list of the videos from past programs.

The February 2025 session featured the first female African American clown on Ringling Bros and Barnum & Bailey Circus Bernice Collins.


This program aired live on February 23, 2025.

The January 2025 session was a tribute to 1950s-era Ringling circus employee and life-long circus enthusiast Bill Taggart.


This program aired live on January 26, 2025.

The October 2024 session featured Ringling circus clown and Gunther Gebel Williams publicist Nicole and Rom Portwood.


This program aired live on October 27, 2024.

The September 2024 session featured circus artist, performer, author, and speaker Dave Letterfly Knoderer.


This program aired live on September 29, 2024.

The July 2024 session featured 1944 Hartford circus fire survivor Nancy Savin.


This program aired live on July 28, 2024.

The June 2024 session featured Omnium Circus founder and executive director Lisa B. Lewis.


This program aired live on June 16, 2024.

The April 2024 session featured former Ringling boss clown Chuck “Chucko” Sidlow.


This program aired live on April 21, 2024.

The March 2024 session featured legendary animal trainer Kay Rosaire.


This program aired live on March 24, 2024.

The February 2024 session featured Kim “Kip” Jones and other members of the legendary King Charles Unicycle Troupe.  


This program aired live on February 25, 2024.

The January 2024 session featured legendary ringmaster Johnathan Lee Iverson. 


This program aired live on January 14, 2024.

The December 2023 session featured Peggy Adler and Dibirma Jean Burnham discussing the Pallenberg Wonder Bears! 


This program aired live on December 17, 2023.

The November 2023 session featured Marty LaSalle who is the CEO of the Big Apple Circus discussing his show’s historic collaboration with Circus Roncalli.


This program aired live on November 19, 2023.

The October 2023 session featured author Maureen Brunsdale on writing the biography of circus legend Art Concello. We also presented the 2023 Thayer Prize on this program to former Ringling clown Danise Payne on the writing of her autobiography.


This program aired live on October 22, 2023.

The September 2023 session featured the recording of Kenneth Feld’s presentation at the 2023 Circus Historical Society Convention.


This program aired live on September 10, 2023.

The July 2023 session featured circus legend  . . . Elvin Bale!


This program aired live on July 16, 2023.

The June 2023 session featured aerialist and equestrienne extraordinaire . . . Sylvia Zerbini!


This program aired live on June 25, 2023.

The May 2023 session featured 2023 Circus Ring of Fame Inductee Jeanette Williams!


This program aired live on May 21, 2023.

The April 2023 session celebrated World Circus Day with Zsuzsanna Mata, Wayne McCary and Rodeny Huey of the Federation Mondial du Cirque! 

This program aired live on April 16, 2023.

The March 2023 session featured 2023 Circus Ring of Fame inductee Peggy Williams!

This program aired live on March 19, 2023.

The February 2023 session featured Cedric Walker, Founder and CEO of UniverSoul Circus!

This program aired live on February 26, 2023.

The January 2023 session explored the history of the Monte-Carlo International Circus Festival.

This program aired live from Monte-Carlo on January 20, 2023.

The December 2022 session featured a fascinating conversation with Michelangelo Nock about history of the Nerveless Nocks

This program aired live on December 11, 2022.

The November 2022 session featured Chris Lashua, founder of Cirque Mechanics. 

This program aired live on November 20, 2022.

The September 2022 session featured award-winning daredevil circus clown Bello Nock

This program aired live on September 25, 2022.

The August 2022 session featured a fascinating conversation with circus clown Danise Payne about her new memoire Elbows in My Ears.

This program aired live on August 21, 2022.

The Photographers session featured a fascinating conversation with Paul Gutheil, Jerry Cash and Kirk Marsh.

This program aired live on June 26, 2022.

The Circus Goes Hollywood session featured Wini McKay and Chester Cable of L.A. Circus.

This program aired live on May 22, 2022.

The 2022 World Circus Day session featured the history of the Big Apple Circus with its co-founder and artistic director . .  . Paul Binder.

This program aired live on April 16, 2022.

The Women’s History Month session featured the Queen of the Air . .  . Dolly Jacobs.

This program aired live on March 27, 2022.

The Black History Month session featured Johnathan Lee Iverson, Vanessa Thomas Smith, Danise Payne and Kim Anthony “Kip” Jones.

This program aired live on February 22, 2022.

The Circus Ring of Fame session of Circus History Live! featured a conversation with two 2022 CROF inductees: Nik Wallenda and Tina Winn

This program aired live on January 16, 2022.

The Producers session of Circus History Live! featured a fascinating conversation with legendary circus producers: Wayne McCary and Joe Barney

This program aired live on December 12, 2021.

The Awards Show session of Circus History Live! featured the awarding of the 2021 Circus Historical Society Stuart Thayer Prize to Dawn Rogala for her book When the Circus Came to Town!  An American Tradition in Photographs. The program also acknowledged the awarding of $500,000 Save America’s Treasures grants to the Barnum Museum and Circus World by the National Parks Service.

This program aired live on October 24, 2021.

The Growing up Herriott session of Circus History Live! featured a conversation with the daughters of circus legends, John and Mary Ruth Herriott . . . Laura, Cindy, Heidi and Cristine! 

This program aired live on August 29, 2021.

The Ringling on Rails: Two Trainmasters Talk About Their Travels session of Circus History Live! featured Joe Colossa and Brett Goertemoeller discussing their careers as trainmasters on the Greatest Show on Earth!

This program aired live on July 25, 2021.

The Three, Three-Ring Ringling Ringmasters! session of Circus History Live! featured Johnathan Lee Iverson, Dinny McGuire and Kevin Venardos discussing their careers as ringmasters on the Greatest Show on Earth!

This program aired live on June 19, 2021.

The Clowns Across 3 Centuries: Contrary, Cliché, Confusion! session of Circus History Live! with Dave Carlyon explored how circus clowning has changed from the 19th century to the 21st century, and reasons for the changes.

This program aired live on May 15, 2021.

The Insights from Circus Legends – Video interviews by circus historian Lane Talburt session of Circus History Live! featured several video interviews of legendary circus personalities filmed over the past three decades.

This program aired live on April 18, 2021.

The Rare Film of 1902 Ringling Bros. Circus Parade session of Circus History Live! featured the showing of a recently restored film of the 1902 Ringling Bros. Circus Parade in Indianapolis Indiana.

This program aired live on March 20, 2021.

The Ringling DAUGHTERS and Barnum & Bailey session of Circus History Live! featured a conversation with Stasia Kelly (daughter of Emmett Kelly) and Bonnie Nicholas-Shine (daughter of Count Nicholas).  

This program aired live on February 6, 2021.