Al G. Barnes Ticket Wagon

This wagon was used on the Al G. Barnes Circus from at least 1928 to 1935. It was then used on the Al G. Barnes and Sells-Floto Circus from 1936 to 1938. At the close of the 1938 season, this and all other Barnes equipment came into the Sarasota WQ.

( 1938 – Joseph Bradbury Album # 20, photo # 45C – Al G. Barnes and Sells-Floto in California, Ticket Wagon No. 184 – R.J. Bernard photo )


In 1943, RBBB used this as a War Bonds wagon downtown in New York City. We do not know if it travelled on the show or not as it is never found in any loading lists.

In 1944, RBBB used this as a War Bonds wagon downtown in New York City. We do not know if it travelled on the show or not as it is never found in any loading lists. Tom Parkinson took a photo of this wagon in downtown Philadelphia.


( 1944 – Joseph Bradbury Album # 82, photo # 39A – in Philadelphia 
This is the Bond sales ticket wagon ( former Barnes-Sells Floto ) – Tom Parkinson photo )


The wagon has never been seen since. It is not in any Sarasota WQ photos or on any loading lists.